
Lenore walked along the beach near La Jolla Cove, breathing in the crisp salty air. It was the calming breath she needed. After the fight she had just had with Colin, her now ex-fiance, over the fact that texting other girls to set up dates while she was out of town definitely counts as cheating, she needed the space.

She needed to hear the crash of the waves to steady her breaking heart. She needed the soft sand underneath her feet to ground her. And she most definitely needed time away from the restaurant she had just run out of crying, following their far too loud for being in public fight.

Several deep breaths later she stood still, staring at the looming cliff. The tide was rising and she didn’t have much time left before she wouldn’t be able to walk on the beach at all. Daylight was also fading, so there was that.

Just as she was about to turn back to go find her car she spotted an odd intricate arch that looked to be embedded in the cliff. There were beautiful shells and twisting seaweed like vines along the arch.

“What?” She whispered.

As soon as she spoke, the rock face inside the arch shimmered. Almost like when you go snorkeling and look up at the surface from under the water and see the sunlight scattering through the depths.

Without much forethought she moved toward it. The whole thing was stunning. And the closer she got to the arch, the brighter it shone. In the fading light it was calling to her curiosity, tugging her to inspect it closer.

She reached out to touch the water-like cliff face and found that there was no resistance. It was as if the rock she had seen before had liquefied into something else. However, she wasn’t able to pull her finger back. It didn’t hurt per se but she wanted her hand back.

After tugging for a minute she became a little more panicked, yanking hard. Just as she sucked in a deep breath to yell for help, a large bronzed hand and arm reached through the shimmery water and grabbed hold of her upper arm. Shock stole the air from her body when an Adonis-like face appeared attached to the hand currently holding her. With no warning the man smiled and pulled her in. The shock causing her to freeze melted into an oddly relaxed shudder, until he kissed her. Whether it was instinct or habit, Lenore’s eyes closed as she was filled with a rush of heat. She stumbled forward, falling further into the kiss and forgetting about the arch she had been struggling to extricate herself from; the same one he had just emerged from.

 Unable to pull back, now that her shoulder had touched the shimmering cliff face, her attempt to push him away resulted in her stumbling into his lips.

Like a rush of ice in her veins, her eyes popped open and she shoved him away again. Surprisingly it worked the second time and she was able to create some distance between them. She was met with an incredible sight that had nothing to do with the handsome man now standing in front of her.

Gasping, she reached a hand out to touch what looked like a bubble wall. On the other side of it was the ocean… and a city. She could see other large bubbles and connecting hallways of light forming around the vast city.

“Where?” Lenore couldn’t think of words to form her question further.

Apparently her new kissing buddy had questions of his own. “How did you know the archway was there? You shouldn’t have been able to see it.”

Her focus snapped over to him. “Is that why you kissed me? Because I saw an arch in a cliff? Or was it because I touched it without permission?” Even as she could hear the slight tinge of hysteria in her tone she couldn’t stop talking. “Where am I?? How do I get back?”

His arms folded as he gave her what she assumed was supposed to be a soothing smile. It looked a little more like a superior gloat though.

“You didn’t answer my question.”

“You didn’t answer any of mine.” She folded her arms to mimic his.

“Mine are more important ones that require immediate answers.”

Lenore took a deep breath to keep herself from launching at him to smack that pretty boy smile off his face. “That is a matter of perspective.” She looked around again. “How do I get out of here?”

“You don’t, unless I clear you.” He pointed behind him. “Once I do, my friend in the control room will open the door to this hallway and we can see what we can do about finding you a place to stay until we can return you to the surface.”

She clamped her jaw shut and shook her head. “I need to know what is going on before I talk to you about anything.”

He took a step forward. “Or maybe I should just kiss you until you tell me everything I want to know.”

“Is that supposed to be a threat or my reward?” She taunted, unwilling to admit that she really had enjoyed kissing him.

His smirk broadened. “My name is Vaughn.” He stuck his hand out. “Maybe I should start there. You touched one of the few portals still accessible to Atlan. Since you were an unknown, I was sent to assess the situation.”

“Does typical protocol include the kissing or am I special?”

“I’d say you are very special because kissing is against protocol on first contact and I am already very much tempted to do it again. However, I should probably at least know your name first?”

“Wait. Did you say Atlantis?”

“No. Atlantis is several miles north of here.”

“Oh.” She turned to stare out at the city. Almost as if she wasn’t aware that she was talking she whispered. “I’m Lenore. North?”

“Ms. North. We need to know how you broached security.”

Lenore shook her head. “My name is Lenore Shaisse. Not North.”


Hearing her name caused her to jump. “Yes?”

“How did you see the archway? Were you looking for it?”

She shook her head. “No. I was just walking on the beach and I saw it, then something started shimmering on the cliff face and I felt a strong desire to touch it, and then my finger was stuck. Then you showed up. You want to kiss me again?” Feeling unsteady she wavered, reaching her hand out to find some support and found his arm around her instead.

He smiled down at her. “Very much so, my lady.”

“Oh. Good.” Her world went black.

Click here for Part 2 of Lenore’s story!