
Adalynn stood atop the eastern parapet looking out over the rolling hills that were slowly being covered by snow. The falling snow gently drifted down in swirls, allowing her to release some of the tight stress built up inside of her.. She had always found watching the snow fall relaxing. It never failed to remind her of the many times her father had taken her up there just to stare out into the sky full of snowflakes dancing. Yet today she was achingly alone, her father having died when she was still young.

A large, warm, yet familiar hand came to rest on her own on the chilly stone wall. Knowing who it was, she didn’t pull her hand away as quickly as was deemed proper, drawing slim comfort from the few extra seconds of his touch. After another minute with her childhood confidante silently standing beside her she took a step back and looked over at him. 

He stood there, tall and immovable, the epitome of what the kingdom’s captain of the guard should look like. So official. Merely the echo of her childhood friend for they had not been friends in a long time. She was mildly surprised when he had touched her hand for more than a brief moment. John acknowledged her with a low bow. “My Queen.”

“Ever proper.” Adalynn sighed sadly.  He had no response to her resigned complaint other than his own resolved sigh. 

“The council has summoned?” She finally asked when he didn’t speak further. 

His curt nod clenched at her heart. The council was down there ending a centuries-old monarchy and at the same time shipping off the last relic of what they thought long past necessary–her. 

“I gather I will be leaving for Lystand in the morning.” Squaring her shoulders she practiced her regal and uncaring facade. Tonight she already knew she would be formally stripped of all possessions and titles except for the title of queen. All so the council could have a peace treaty to stop Lystand from attacking. Adalynn was the peace offering. She was to be the bride of some noble of a foreign court while her throne was taken apart and distributed to the uncaring council members. To the council, her status as a royal was all that she was good for now. 

“And you will not be going with me.” Adalynn sternly informed him.

At her soft declaration John jerked in surprise. “What?”

“You heard me John. I am not allowing you to come. I can’t stand it.” She put out her hand, silently entreating him to understand why. “Tomorrow I travel to the border where my own guard will desert me by simply handing me over to whatever Lystandian contingent they deign to send for me. I can’t bear the thought of you being there. It is better for you to stay here, where duty binds you.”

“Adalynn no!” He started, ready to do battle. She stopped him with a hand on his chest. 

“It has been a long time since I’ve heard you address me so informally.” Another sad smile graced her features. A very long time. 

“Not since your coronation.” He agreed. Head down, he didn’t look her in the eye.

“I was only 16, John. Your refusal to call me by my own name from that moment on stung more than any of the rules they piled on me.” She easily admitted. Dropping her hand back down to her side she looked out and over the parapet once again. The view gave her a little of the peace she sought, but not enough to qualm her fears for her own future and that of her people.

“But you understand now though.” He grimaced, his voice telling her that he was close to begging for her understanding. “I had no choice.”

“It took years for me to understand and even longer to forgive you…and my father.” She added her father as an afterthought. John had been different. He had left her alone when she had needed him, for she’d had no one else. Her father had died, so there was nothing she could change with him. He was gone and while she still wished he was there to help and guide her, she was not going to hold death against him.

“Adalynn.” John let out an agonized sigh.

It was in that instant that Adalynn’s sadness became anger. Even though as queen she could not ever allow her anger to show, it was still there. It burned within her as she looked placidly at him. “You can no longer call me that. Now, when I am about it leave. I have wanted you to call me by name for years and yet you haven’t. Now that I know I am giving up everything, you choose now. Do you realize how selfish you are being in this moment, when once again I need you to be strong? Why make this so much harder for me when I am about to lose everything that I have ever known?”

John stopped her deceptively calm tirade as he took both of her hands in his and tugged. She did not fall willingly into his arms. Adalynn was first and foremost queen, not simply a girl to fall blindly into a man’s embrace. John had been the one to show her what being a queen truly meant after her coronation, when he had completely withdrawn and become the impersonal captain of the guard.

He did not stop when she did not budge. Instead he stepped up to her and wrapped his arms around her, drawing her in for a kiss. She wanted to melt, wanted to simply be a girl in love with the handsome man in front of her. Yet duty had her in its grip and she knew she was destined to a life in exile.

Pulling back she demanded, “Is the peace treaty official and signed?”

John simply looked down at her. “Yes, my queen.” He answered solemnly.

Adalynn faced the door leading down to where the council waited. As she opened the door she glanced back at the man she could have loved her whole life long. “Goodbye John.”

Click here to read Part 2 of Adalynn’s story.


Arabella stiffly curtseyed to the local prime minister and his guests. Her currently absent mother expected her to find a man at one of these ridiculous galas who would whisk her off, preferably onto his white horse, where he would proclaim his love and ask her to marry him. Glancing around the room under the guise of acknowledging everyone attending Arabella didn’t see anyone who fit the description.

At least her mother hadn’t felt it necessary to come and babysit her this time. The events the Duchess Eleanor of Bourrada attended were the ones that made Arabella wish she truly could disappear. Her mother tended to announce to the room her intention to marry off her daughter. Instantly a line of suitors would form, aching to be considered to marry into the Bourrada family; not caring one whit about her, the one they were falling in line to marry. 

Tonight there would be the slightest bit of anonymity. 

Quickly Arabella refocused on the people in front of her and not on her mother’s conniving plans, when a very serious looking man stepped in front of her and gave a haughty bow. 

“Miss Arabella, I am pleased to finally meet you.” The man simpered.

Politely inclining her head Arabella gave a demure smile. Always so polite. “I didn’t catch your name sir.”

He leaned close, managing to make that look arrogant as well. “Your mother did not tell you I would be here?” He took her hand in his.

As subtly as she could she withdrew her hand. “Forgive me. My mother and I have been unable to sit and chat recently. We both have had very busy schedules. Please don’t take offense that she didn’t have a chance to let me know.”

“Ah of course. Of course. Then allow me to introduce myself.” Again he bowed. “I am the Marquis of Waltonbury. However, given that we will be spending much time together you may call me Lord Harrow.”

“I am gratified you would give me that particular honor.” Arabella forced herself to reply.

He held out his hand with an imperious flick. “And now we shall dance.”

Arabella bit her cheek. He didn’t even have the decency to ask. She could see why her mother liked him. Charismatic. Domineering. Arrogant. With a good command of the room. Instead of saying anything, since she wouldn’t be able to hold back her contempt, she nodded. One dance and she would have fulfilled any obligation her mother might have brought on her.

Thankfully the dance lasted only a few moments. Once he practically hauled her off the dance floor, she firmly made her excuses and stepped away. For a minute he looked like he was going to follow her regardless of her pointed refusal to stay by his side. What had her mother said to the man to make him so persistent. She shrugged slightly. Maybe he was naturally that way.

Slipping out onto the barely lit patio Arabella breathed a sigh of relief. A few minutes of fresh air and not feigning politeness would do wonders for her, hopefully. In fact, she might even manage to be nice to the rest of her dance partners if she could squeeze in a few minutes alone.


Arabella stopped her smiling at once. “I beg your pardon?” She turned to face the man standing just a few steps away.

“I saw the look on your face when you came out. Complete relief.”

“I…yes.” Arabella admitted. “It was becoming rather stifling in there.” His nod of agreement snagged her curiosity and she asked, “May I ask why you are out here?”

With the sparse lighting out on the patio Arabella could not quite make out if she had seen him before. From what she could see, if she didn’t know him she wanted to. He had yet to try and impress her with his title, family, or wealth. That might be because he didn’t know who she was. Oddly she wanted to keep it that way.

He gave her a soft commiserating smile. “I find I am in agreement with you. Stifling.” He didn’t move any closer, maintaining his distance. “Was it the heat or the company?”

With a pleased smile she shook her head. “If I admit to either I could get in trouble.”

“Who would I tell?” He asked, throwing out his arms in innocence.

“I don’t know you, so there is no end to the possibilities of who you could tell.” She pointed out.

“Good point. Any chance you will answer what brings you here?” He took a step forward. It was a small step but even that minor change brought him into the light. His dark wavy hair was in a controlled tousle that could have looked scruffy and messy, yet it gave him a relaxed look. There was no doubt in her mind that he had a powerful persona that drew plenty of attention.

“To this particular event?” Arabella demurred.

He nodded. 

For someone who hadn’t introduced himself he was incredibly curious about her. Still, she felt compelled to continue the conversation, wanting to know more about him also. “My mother accepted on my behalf.”

“Ah. So you are an unwilling participant.” 

With a shake of her head Arabella tsked. “There you are, trying to get me in trouble again.”

“Just trying to get to know you.” He motioned toward a nearby bench where they could sit and not be too close, for propriety’s sake. 

“Without getting to know me.” In a mock scold she tilted her head to see how he would respond to the accusation.

“What?” The consternation on his face was echoed by the incredulity of his tone.

“You know what I mean.” She paused until he narrowed his eyes in scrutiny. “You have yet to introduce yourself.”

In a flash a grin appeared on his face. “I am not the only one who has failed to do so.” His knowing grin made her feel like a child caught sneaking a chocolate.

Straightening she archly defended herself. “I was just introduced inside. For all I know, you already know who I am and are toying with me.”

“That argument can go both ways.” Her mystery man retorted. “You may already know who I am and be acting the innocent. However, I must confess, this is the most entertainment I’ve had in ages. Meeting you has been a delight.”

Arabella shook her head. “I concede. Whether you already know or not, I am Lady Arabella Bourrada.” She thought about ignoring the formality of a curtsey but as she spoke she found herself dipping down out of habit.

The surprise that lit his sparkling eyes told her in an instant that he truly had not known.

“Lady Eleanor’s daughter. It is truly a pleasure.” He inclined his head.

“You know my mother?”

He chuckled. “Everyone knows your mother if she has anything to say about it.”

And still he had not told her who he was. She could stand it no longer. Regardless of how improper and impolite it was, Arabella insisted, “Who are you?”

Want to read from Lord Errick’s Point of View? Click here to read.


“History class is the worst!” Will complained as he slung his arms over Lisa’s shoulders. His locker was nowhere near hers but she always found him there waiting, every time she went to grab anything. In fact, half the time he would put his books in her locker. After all, he’d known Lisaher locker combination as soon as she did.

“You say that every year.” Lisa tried hard to ignore her best friend’s arm and the warm feelings his casual embrace stirred in her. If he knew what she was wishing, she would die of embarrassment. In an effort to remind him and herself of their ‘friend’ status she promptly elbowed him. “And you are going to get in trouble with Anna if you keep hanging on me Will.”

Instead of dropping his arm as she was expecting he wrapped both arms around her waist, pinning her arms to her side, and lifting her off the ground in a huge bear hug. 

“Anna doesn’t care. She knows we’re just friends.” He laughed as he bounced her around.

Lisa couldn’t help but laugh, although she knew for a fact that Anna cared very much. “Let me down.” She ordered, even though in the deepest back part of her brain she hoped he wouldn’t. When he didn’t listen she repeatedly tried to kick his legs but he managed to nimbly dodge each kick, swinging her all around like a rag doll. “Will!” She screeched, erupting into giggles. 

He didn’t stop as he easily slammed her locker shut with his foot and dragged her out the hallway, tucked snug and secure to his chest.  Everyone else in school was as used to Will’s antics as her and didn’t pay Will any attention. While she was glad she wasn’t getting laughed at she also wasn’t being rescued. As he walked out into the quad he jolted to a stop and shifted her up and over his shoulder. “That’s better.” He declared, “Now I can keep you up there forever.” 

“Will!” Lisa tried again. “I don’t have my backpack.” Anything to get him to set her down, especially before Anna saw. 

He didn’t even slow down. Instead he hitched her further onto his shoulder so she couldn’t ‘accidentally’ wiggle off. She pounded on his rugby-hardened shoulders but he either didn’t care or didn’t notice her efforts.  

“Will?” Anna’s shrill voice echoed through the quad. 

Lisa stilled. She knew instantly it was too late to avoid angering the latest girlfriend. Again, in a last desperate attempt, Lisa whispered. “Put me down Will.”

Will laughed as he swung to face Anna. This effectively cut Lisa off from entering the conversation in her own defense. She could only listen. If she wasn’t the one slung over his shoulder Lisa would probably be on the sidelines laughing but, as usual, she was the one Will was getting in trouble with his girlfriend about. Many breakups had happened because of his friendship with her. 

Again, she struggled to be put down but screeched when he tickled the back of her knee in order to stop her. 

“Something wrong Anna?” He asked. 

Lisa could practically hear Anna’s hands go to her hips as she huffed in irritation. And here Lisa was going to be stuck on his broad shoulder through the whole fight. With a sigh of her own, she put her elbows on Will’s back and her chin in her hands. She might as well be a little comfortable. 

“Put the girl down Will.” Anna demanded. 

Lisa was jostled as he tried to shrug. “Aw Anna. You know it’s Lisa. We’re just having fun. See?” With that Will spun around so that Lisa was abruptly face to face with Anna. She didn’t have time to do more than grimace in Anna’s angry face before she was whirled back away. 

“Will.” Anna whined in her poutiest plea. “I haven’t seen you since this morning. I want you to kiss me.”

Will leaned forward, holding tight to Lisa’s knees. 

Anna protested, “I am NOT kissing you while you are holding her like a caveman.”

“Now’s the time to put me down.” Lisa added, hoping reason had finally set in. Instead he simply tickled her knees again, not even bothering to answer her. She persisted, “Stop ignoring me Will. You’re starting to hurt me.” 

With a jolt Lisa was once again on the ground. Thankfully Will still had the presence of mind to help her stay standing since her legs had fallen asleep. When she looked up, his full attention was on her. “I’m sorry Lis. I wasn’t thinking. You ok?”

All Lisa could do was nod. She seemed to be the only one acutely aware of Anna and the bitter glare leveled her direction. When Lisa tried to step back, his arm snaked around her shoulder and to her waist, effectively tucking her into his side. She couldn’t stop the blush. After a few heart stuttering seconds she thought to at least try to push away. Anna was standing there and here Lisa was melting into a silly puddle of goo in front of her.

“Will!” Anna screeched.

“What?” Will jerked his attention away but took a moment before he could focus on Anna. “What?” He repeated when she continued to glare, his hands up in defensive confusion.

“I am still waiting.” Anna stomped her foot. “For my kiss!”

“I’m not a dog, Annie. I don’t sit, stay, or kiss on command.” For the first time since they’d started dating Will wasn’t going out of his way to appease Anna. Even Lisa was surprised by the change. Instead of seeing it as a warning sign, Anna snapped.

“Do not call me Annie!” She shrieked.

Lisa tried to step back and away, but Will had forgotten about his hold on her waist. Unfortunately the movement caught Anna’s attention. In seconds Anna narrowed all of her anger into one point: Lisa.

“You.” Anna seethed.

Will quickly stepped in front of Anna, enabling Lisa to finally back away. “Leave her out of this.” He growled.

“How? She is always in this. I feel like the third wheel with my own boyfriend. If I didn’t know any better I’d think that she was your girlfriend.”

“Well, maybe she should be.” He barked out angrily. He suddenly paused with a blink, going quiet as Anna stormed off with a shriek. Will turned slowly, looking very contemplative. Lisa gulped.


Sitting in my favorite park I can feel my smile sink into my soul in a way I imagine can only come on beautiful warm Saturday mornings like today when I get to take the latest book I am reading and plop myself on my bench and not worry about anything more than the contents of my book for hours on end. An hour into my escape from reality I feel someone watching me, not a creepy run-away type feeling but more like a friend peeking in to see if you’re ok kind of feeling.  As I look around the green surrounding me to see if I can discover the source of my prickled awareness, I notice the empty white stone pavilion that sits at the end of one of the walkways, eye-catching and exquisite. Just as I am about to continue my visual survey of the park I spot him, his watchful stare pulsing into me. He is standing there, leaning against one of the pillars of the pavilion and I swear he is looking straight at me.

This isn’t the first time I have seen him and each time I catch a glimpse of him I feel myself being drawn in, intrigued, pulled, captivated, entranced, mesmerized. Ugh I can’t think of any other words to make it make more sense. I just want to be closer. I have never seen the details of his face but I know that I can pick out his broad shoulders and light brown wavy hair from miles away.

I stand. I am going to meet him today. 

As I take my first steps toward the pavilion I see him slip into the shadows made by the pavilion’s arching roof and lose sight of him. Again.

With a huff I plop down on my bench and snatch at my book “Next time.” I mutter under my breath.

I nearly jump out of my skin when a mellow tenor voice whispers in my ear. “Is that a promise or a threat?”

Heart racing, I shoot up and away. Stumbling across the sidewalk to what I hope is a safe distance; I turn and face my abandoned bench and the mystery voice behind it. 

Stunned to speechlessness I gape. The only thought passing through my head screams, It’s him!

“I…what?…Who?” I force out, still trying to catch my breath. I’m not sure if now is a good time to run or if it is safe to finally find out who he is. Curiosity wins and I stay– tense and ready to flee, but I stay.

“You alright there Kiley” He asks with a laugh.

“I don’t know you.” I take another step back. My IQ apparently zeroes out when facing a cute guy who knows my name. “Who are you?”

Smirking, he tugs on his jacket and my eyes are drawn to the fitted deep green button up shirt that he has left unbuttoned at the top. I gulp. Yikes.


“What?” I blink, trying to process anything beyond his distractingly good looks. He definitely looks jaw-droppingly gorgeous at this distance. Now his shoulders and hair only add to his attractiveness, instead of being all I can see of him.

He laughs, eyes twinkling with mischief, as if he knows exactly what he’s doing to me. “You asked and I answered. I’m Zev.”

“Why do I see you everywhere?” I hurry to ask.

He shrugs. “Wishful thinking.”


Zev cocks his head to the side as his hands went into his pockets, all casual. “Are you wishing I was following you around? Like some crazy stalker?” He seemed to be thoroughly enjoying my discomfiture.

“Aren’t you?” I quickly shake my head. “A stalker, I mean.”


I couldn’t let it drop. “But I have seen you.”

With three long strides he is within inches of my face and my sluggish brain doesn’t react fast enough and he has to catch me as I stumble backwards. “Do you have a little crush on me?” He asks, inches from my now-tingling lips.

“What? No!” I shove him back and stand straight.

“Admit it.”

“Get lost.” I grumble, walking back to my bench to snatch up my book. I turn and again he is so close I can smell how intoxicatingly good he smells. Roughly I attempt to shoulder my way around him and shiver as I am met with such resistance that I can’t get past him.

“Move.” I growl, glaring up into his sharp blue eyes.

“Ah Kiley. Don’t be that way.” He pouted.

“I don’t know how you know my name but I am leaving now. Get out of my way.” I hold my breath, hoping my false bravado fools him. I’m not entirely convinced it did since his piercing gaze narrows for a quick second before melting into a charming smile.

Slowly he steps out of my way and bows low. As he did he manages to brush the lightest of light kisses across my cheek, though I’m not sure how. “Never say I didn’t do what you ask.”

The searing heat of his lips on my cheek burns its way through my veins and I have to force myself to move, the flicker of a faint memory fluttering just beyond reach. Do I know him? 

Just like that, I want to stay.

Far from the indignant exit I had planned to make I float away, lost in the memory of what couldn’t even be called a real kiss. If a simple brush of his lips to my cheek could cause such a reaction, what would it be like when he really kissed me?

In shock I stop. When? I meant if…right? Hurriedly I begin to walk again, but not before I glance back at Zev. And there he still stood, smirking at me in a way that makes me want to find out what a kiss from him would be like.

Just as I reach the bend in the walkway that would take me out of his sight I hear him call out, “See you soon Kiley.”


Closing her eyes against the sturdy breeze bracing off the ocean currents Harper sighed and leaned against the rail. Stupid cruise. Adventure was not as easy to find as she had first supposed. Her two best friends had shoved her onboard this behemoth of an ocean liner to go on the cruise of a lifetime over two weeks ago. Today marked the halfway point of her vacation and no riotous adventure had taken shape, not even close. She could barely convince the people she had been spending time with to hang out with her. 

The distant Italian shore seemed more ominous than exciting since she had no one to explore it with.

After another weary sigh, she turned and strolled into the closest dining room. It was one of three, each with their different themes. Apparently she had accidentally chosen the dessert theme first.

Looking around for a familiar face, she couldn’t find any of the people she had become acquainted with over the past two weeks. Actually she rarely was able to find them anymore. It was as if they’d decided that she wasn’t worth having around if it could be avoided. And there were only so many places on a ship that they could hide, even one as big as this.

Attempting to appear unaffected by the lack of company, Harper gracefully sank into one of the white linen chairs at an unoccupied table off to the side of the entrance, taking the time to carefully situate her yellow wrap dress. She’d be seen if anyone came looking for her but if they weren’t looking for her specifically there was a good bet she wouldn’t be noticed and at the same time not pitied for sitting alone.

It was several minutes before one of the staff came over. They weren’t busy. They probably figured she was waiting for the rest of her group and had waited for them to arrive. She was sure that was why they had taken so long. Her heart felt as though it was crumpling in on itself as she carefully avoided looking at all the empty chairs surrounding her table. After giving her order her gaze sank to her hands in her lap. Disappearing to her room again was sounding better and better.

“This seat taken?”

Harper looked up into a pair of familiar blue eyes. “Arthur!”

He bowed and sat down next to her. Leaning in, he winked. She could smell his cologne waft over her. “It seems you’ve already found the best place to look over the newcomers.”

“What?” Glancing around she took note that several more people had come in. “Wait. What are you doing here?”

“Browsing.” Arthur threw his hands back behind his head, the epitome of careless nonchalance gifted only to the strikingly handsome who knew how good they looked.

Rolling her eyes she resisted the urge to smack him. “I meant onboard. You can’t possibly tell me that you have been onboard this whole time and I didn’t know it.”

“You want me to lie then?” His gaze pierced her for a mere second before he went back to casually scoping out the women within his view.

She shook her head. “No.” Arthur had always been like the friend in college you kept around to make sure you got invited to the best parties. He wasn’t a ‘feelings and romance’ kind of guy. Harper dropped her head and breathed. As she sighed, she didn’t know whether it was of relief or disappointment. At least she wasn’t sitting alone anymore. For a few minutes at least, only until Arthur scoped out the girls in the room and decided on which one he’d choose to lavish attention on for the night.

It was at that moment that the group of friends she had been trying to find walked in, all of them together, laughing. Immediately they went in and sat in the center of the room. Whether or not they had seen her sitting there in the corner or not, Harper wanted to sink into a puddle under the table. They had all met up without her.

Arthur’s casual pose of indifferent observation dropped as he laid a hand softly on her arm. “You ok?”

She nodded, not daring to look at him.

“Those aren’t your friends.” He said, his voice sinking even lower.

Harper shrugged. Obviously they didn’t think so.

Arthur abruptly stood, pulling her up with him. Several girls from her friend’s table turned to look and instantly smiles bloomed. The millisecond of joy in Harper’s heart at such a reaction withered as they called out, “Arthur!”

Even more surprising  than the fact that her friends knew Arthur was that he ignored them completely, sliding his hand around Harper’s waist to escort her out. Together they walked out to where they had the once crowded deck to themselves.

Stopping by the rail Arthur turned to lean back against it. Harper laid her head on his shoulder. No words were said as they stood there, his arms wrapped around her.

After several minutes Arthur shifted, pulling her in front of him. He gently raised her chin to look at him. “Natalie made me promise to leave you alone. And I’ve regretted agreeing ever since.”

Harper stood up straight at the mention of her best friend and roommate’s name. “What do you mean?”

He shook his head not answering, his eyes closed.

“On the cruise? Why?” Harper tilted her head. “I’ve been so lonely.”

Arthur shook his head again and sighed. “Natalie doesn’t know I’m on the cruise. When they told me that they were going to surprise you with this trip, I bought a ticket. I tried to stay away. I wanted to let you have the adventure you’ve always talked about without my interference.”

Harper folded her arms, desperately trying to rein in the confusion swirling through her. “If Natalie doesn’t know you are here, why would she make you promise to leave me alone?”

The crash of the waves against the sides of the ship was the only sound as he looked at her with pleading eyes. She refused to break the silence. This was an answer she was more than willing to be stubborn about waiting for.

“She made me promise that on the night we first met.”

Harper’s jaw dropped. “That was three years ago, Arthur.”

He nodded.

“Why?” Harper tried to take a step back but he was faster.

“Please don’t go.” He pleaded. She had never heard him ask anyone to do anything. He was one of those commanding but funny people that could tell someone what to do and laugh with them as they did it. 

Harper still took another step back, shaking her head. “Why would Natalie make you promise that?”

“She knew I liked you.”

Skepticism flooded her. “After the one night?”

As he nodded her heart dropped, stealing her breath. “Oh.”


Standing on the odd chalky grey surface Etta squinted. Last she remembered she had been sneaking out her window to sit up on the roof after a fight with her mom about coming home for the weekends. It was her first year of college and she wanted her weekends to hang with new friends. Now she didn’t even know where she was. 

As she tried to get her bearing she began to stumble forward. What distracted her most were the puffs of whatever was on the ground that billowed around her feet as she walked. It settled back down quickly but still had her shaking her head. Maybe she wasn’t actually awake. However it sure felt real.

 There was nothing around her but rocks, the dusty ground, and more rocks everywhere. That was it; gigantic boulders and sand.

“Hello?” She called. Her voice thin, sounding out of breath.

With no response, she continued forward more purposefully. Moving forward seemed preferable to standing still doing nothing. Walking meant she was doing something. Briefly the thought crossed her mind what her father had constantly said about getting lost. If you get lost, find a tree and stay there. Let help come to you. She paused for a second before giggling. No chance she was finding a tree without moving.

As more light gathered in the sky Etta mentally made a list of what she knew. While not helpful, it was calming. She was good at lists.

  1. This wasn’t her bedroom or anything remotely similar.
  2. She was far enough away from home to not recognize the landscape.
  3. It must be morning because the sun was coming up.
  4. There were no houses or any signs of anyone nearby.

In the midst of her list she glanced around to figure out what more she could figure out that would help her get home. That’s when she stopped and gaped at the rising sun, or more accurately suns; plural. There were two bright yellow suns rising into the sky. Was she hallucinating or seeing double from dehydration. She shook as she tried to clear the hysteria from her panicked thoughts. What other explanation was there?

She stood there staring, desperately trying to make sense of something that didn’t make any sense. On her mental evaluation of her situation the sun had been a constant that hadn’t even occurred to her to question. Moving forward in the hopes of finding a town was abandoned in favor of trying to wrap her mind around the fact that she apparently wasn’t even on her own planet.

Lost in her frantic scramble to reorder her thoughts, she didn’t hear the whine of a motor getting closer until it was practically on top of her. Whirling in the direction of the first sound she’d heard since waking, she once again dropped her mouth open in shock. Speeding dangerously close to her was a person in what almost looked like a roofless, flying mini cooper. It kept getting closer until Etta realized she shouldn’t just be standing there staring but running as fast and as far as she could. Survival instinct kicked in and she did an abrupt about-face and ran.

Etta dodged and zigzagged in her best attempt at possibly not getting shot, but beyond that she had stopped thinking lucidly. It took several minutes before she realized the odd hovering craft was no longer chasing her. Instantly she blushed, knowing that she must have looked like a complete airhead to be jumping all over the place in an attempt to try and evade imaginary capture. Instead the man she had seen driving the air vehicle was on foot and yelling at her. With concentrated effort she focused on what he was saying but could not understand him.

“Stul! Ges olf ota surre!” He screamed.

She may have felt threatened before when he had surprised her driving pell mell towards her out of nowhere but now that she looked his way, unfettered by overwhelming panic, she didn’t feel like he was out to get her…or kill her.

Incredibly tall, even to her 5’8 frame, he towered over her by nearly a foot. His short black hair almost blended with his nearly equally dark skin. With long angular features and a runner’s build he could almost have fit in with some of the men on earth. Her heart did a little shiver as her brain registered how dashing he looked. The clothes he wore crossed somewhere between warrior and sleek businessman.

“What?” Etta called back, still maintaining her distance. Just because he was handsomely stunning didn’t mean she was going to jump into his sculpted arms.

Yet he still beckoned her to where he was standing beside his contraption.

Drips of sweat rolled down her face as she noticed the rising temperature corresponding to the rise of the suns. In the back of her mind she knew that shelter needed to be her first priority after she managed to get rid of the gorgeous alien yelling at her in a language she couldn’t understand.

“Surre! Hak!” He hollered, pointing up to the suns. Again he motioned her to come to him and she found herself tempted. Looking up at the suns he was pointing to she raised an arm to shield her eyes.

In that moment of inattentiveness he surged forward at a full sprint. He didn’t tackle her into the sand but scooped her up in his strong arms and raced back to his flyer. Setting her down in the side seat with surprising gentleness she watched as he then raced around and got in on his side. A few button presses later and they were speeding away, back in the direction he had first appeared. As he rode he glanced down at her, then pointed at his chest. “Ryk.”

He stared at her expectantly. Etta only stared. He repeated the gesture. “Ryk.” Then he pointed at her and nodded with a soft grin.

“Etta.” She pointed at herself. Etta took a chance and pointed back at him. “Ryk? Is that your name?”

He nodded again with pleased twinkling eyes. “Ryk.” He declared. Ryk pointed to what looked like another tall rock in the distance. “Holgen. Ryk tam yi holgen.”

To read part 2 of Etta’s story, click here.


Leah glanced across the hall for what felt like the hundredth time. Justin was still standing there with a gorgeous redheaded beauty at his side. He wasn’t supposed to be here. She knew for a fact that his name wasn’t on the list. Now here he was, and it was distracting. HE was distracting, looking all handsome and kissable.

She hadn’t even seen Justin since her brother’s wedding 4 months ago. He had been affable enough at the wedding. But now it appeared that she no longer existed in his scope of the world, as he easily strode through the elite of the party she had organized for the charity, laughing and joking, never looking her way. Not even once. 

Another glance over and her chilled lemonade sloshed as she jerked in surprise. She’d been caught. Even though he was whispering into his date’s ear like they were the only two people in the room, Leah could almost swear that he was looking straight into her soul. She couldn’t break away. With ragged breath she leaned back, positively pinned. 

Her heart contracted into a breath-stopping squeeze as his stony face melted slowly into a knowing smile. When he winked at her she was stunned. 

A shudder rippled through her and a sudden desperate urge to be standing there, looking like she was waiting for him, took hold. She casually made her way to the outdoor patio when something within her wrenched her gaze back to where she knew he would be. He was still looking her way. Her face heated. 

Slipping outside she leaned against the cool stone wall and closed her eyes, focusing solely on steady breathing. 

“Hello there beautiful.” His voice was as deep, rich and smooth as ever. Leah opened her eyes and there he was standing right in front of her, hands casually in his pockets and a smile on his face. 

Shivers raced up and down her spine as he held her gaze. 

“Justin!” she gulped. Leah took in all the changes that couldn’t be seen from across the room, behind his girlfriend. He was built; the obvious evidence of his well-toned muscles pressing firmly against the confines of his formal dinner jacket. Had he always been so tall? His hair definitely had more chocolatey luster. How was anyone she dated supposed to compare to his…appeal? 

 She almost asked if he had been working out. Thankfully, her self-preservation filter was still intact, if a little shaky. Her voice, she was quite proud of herself to note, was not shaky at all. ”What are you doing here?” 

“I was invited.” He answered; calm, unruffled, and utterly charming as his smile quirked to the side. Her heart all but stopped at the memories flooding through her. How many times had he looked at her like that right before he kissed her? It had been so long. Leah gave herself a strong mental slap. She had to keep her head on straight and not make a complete fool of herself. Yet it didn’t work as memories continued to wisp through her mind. It couldn’t be helped really. She had been utterly in love. He had been the one to leave, something about too much too soon, about building his career for her. She hadn’t been enough. No. He hadn’t been able to see that she was enough.

Leah shook her head to clear it, subconsciously smoothing any wrinkles that may have appeared in the last few seconds on her favorite teal wrap dress. 

“No, I meant outside. Why are you outside on the balcony when everyone else is inside?” She dared to dash a smile up at him. 

He carefully scrutinized her face with the same intensity that was still pinning her to the wall. “You are out here.” 


“I miss you Leah.” He took a step forward, dropping the distance down to mere inches. She had nowhere to back up to and it appeared as though he was well aware of that fact. “You’ve been running from me ever since I was stupid enough to let you go. Why are you hiding out here? Because of me?”

“I’m not hiding.” She defended, briskly. “I just happened to be out here enjoying the view and air and…” Her excuses trailed off when he shook his head and softly tucked some of her hair behind her ear.

“Save me a dance?” Even as she slowly shook her head she knew that even if she turned him down now she would still find herself dancing with him before the night was over. Every nerve ending in her body was screaming at her to lean into him and let him whisk her back into the room and onto the dance floor.

“Won’t your girlfriend mind?”

He chuckled, giving her a little room to breathe. “Melanie only agreed to be my date so she could have access to all the big names of business who came. I highly doubt that I will be seeing her at all the rest of the evening, unless she needs an introduction.”

Leah found herself nodding. That all made sense. Then it hit her. Here she was casually chatting about the party while she was seconds away from mushing into a pile of melt. No. Melting into mush.

“And you? How did I not know you would be coming? I saw the guest list dozens of times.” Her voice broke as she wavered. Leah found she could hardly think straight, let alone form full sentences.

With a slight smirk he leaned forward until their foreheads touched. Full of cocky self assurance he answered, “I thought it would be obvious why I’m here Leah. I knew you were in charge of getting this whole party together. I came for you.”

“Please tell me you did not crash a charity event.” Leah laughed, feeling herself softening.

“No. I didn’t crash. I am representing my boss who is out of town tonight but didn’t want our firm to miss this. Shaking his head, he held his arms out. “I have missed you.”


Kiera laid her hand up against the cool glass, wishing for the warmth of the sun.  She missed the sparkling shafts of light through the clouds outside her window. Living so high above the clouds, dusk was the only time she could sit in her window seat and daydream into the clouds below, wishing to feel the breeze again. It wasn’t as difficult for her as it had been for her outgoing brother. He was going a little crazy being cooped up. He was an outdoors kind of guy. However, neither Kiera or Mason had been consulted about moving up to the new module in the sky. Supposedly it was a place where you wouldn’t get sick because there wouldn’t be any pollutants in the air.

The module she was in was odd compared to her old house. There was no yard, no visible neighbors, no open windows, no breeze or flowers. It was sterile and clean. Her parents loved it, lost in the academia they could access through their computers. All the walls were essentially glass. You could look out any direction but down and stare out into the open air. 

She would have been curled in a window seat similar to the one she was in no matter where she was. Not much had changed in her sheltered, private world; just a different view out the window.  She snuggled deeper into the pillows of her secluded window seat. 

Through the darkening sky a light flicked and drew her attention away from the book in her lap.  The other houses attached to their central module were supposed to be screened to give a guise of privacy.  Truthfully they weren’t more than a dozen feet or so away. No further than a normal neighbor but completely hidden. 

As she was about to return to reading the light flickered again.

Looking out, she was stunned to see a guy waving his hand at her, as if it was completely normal to be seeing the person in the next module. Still a little shocked, Kiera only stared. He continued to wave. Eventually she raised her hand in his direction. She hadn’t seen anyone other than her family for months. They were still ‘acclimating’. They weren’t allowed to go out and see the central module or the other people connected to them. She had a few months left of quarantine to be sure that none of her family were sick.

As soon as she lifted her hand he stopped and grabbed what looked to be a large pad of paper. Slamming it up against the window she read, PAX.

He began pointing at himself. When she nodded and waved again he dropped the paper down and wrote again.


Glancing around to see what was near for her to write on, she had to stand up and move away from the window. In seconds she was back. 

Kiera. How can I see you?

With what looked like a chuckle he went back to his pad. Smarts and curiosity.

She stared. That wasn’t the answer she was expecting or looking for. So she waited.

His warm happy smile was addicting and he wasn’t sparing in his use of it. He flashed her another cheeky grin as he bent back over his paper to write. Putting it up against the window he watched her read.

I programmed the screen to have a glitch for 5 minutes, now I’m wishing I’d programmed it for longer. Even as she finished reading it, he put up another. Are you a hugger? 

Kiera had to stop and think. She didn’t know. She never had been much of a hugger but that was more because no one had ever really offered. I’m not against hugging…

With a look of empathy he gave, Kiera felt as though he knew exactly what she meant. She thought she had been subtle, but obviously not. Her family was more cerebral than physical in their affection.

Pax put his hand up against the glass and held it there. Kiera felt a tug to do the same, almost wishing she could truly reach out and touch his hand. She forced her hand to remain in her lap.

How long till you’re out? I have another month.

3 months. For the first time since walking into her new home she was resentful of being locked in.

That’s a long time to wait for a hug or a date. He pulled the paper down and she watched with rapt attention, aching to know what he would write next. She wasn’t disappointed. Or several of both.

Kiera had to reread that last one several times. Was he implying that he wanted to date her? Or that he was missing them in general. No one had ever paid her even the slightest attention before and now she had this gorgeous guy outside her window talking about dating…well, writing about it.

With me? 

He smirked.

Desperate? She goaded, wanting to see how serious he was or if he was flirting with her while there was nothing better to do and she was his only visible neighbor.

I’d say smart. He smirked again and held up another paper. You are gorgeous and from what I’ve seen so far, smart and funny. Intriguing. If I ask you now, I’ll be the first to take you on a date when you get out, thus upping my chances with you.

If? She questioned.

Pax nodded. You won’t reject me right? Instantly Pax’s smile changed to a pleading look and it was Kiera’s turn to laugh.

You haven’t asked yet.

Kiera watched as he glanced back to the clock on the wall behind him. Will you be here tomorrow?

Confused at the unexpected question she nodded before jotting down. I always come to this window to read, every night.

As he lifted his next message the screen began to flicker and she was unable to read what he had put up. Staring out her window she looked out at where, only seconds ago, she had been talking to the cutest guy to ever pay her such interested attention and now she would have to wait until tomorrow night to see or talk to him again.

Where she had been indifferent about the medical quarantine before, she was definitely not liking it now. Kiera was stuck being patient. 


Beth paused. You aren’t supposed to knock when you’re invited to a party right? She pulled out her phone to text Joey and ask, but stopped herself. Did she want to sound even more like an outdated outcast?

Moving into town last month had been enough of a tough reality check. She was lucky Joey had taken pity on her and invited her to this party at all. With no way to confirm what was ‘cool’ etiquette she stood there debating. Just as she was about to knock, the door opened and four girls tumbled out giggling, laughing, and luckily ignoring Beth. Ignored or not, it solved her dilemma. The door was open and she could go in.

Within minutes she was thick in the crowd and had only recognized one person. The only problem with that, actually two problems were: one, he was a guy and two, he was gorgeous. Living out in the middle of nowhere with only her parents had not prepared her for dealing with guys who looked like him… or any guy for that matter. So instead she stood there looking for a good place to try and blend in or at least not stick out.

The table covered with chips and treats was a good bet, no friends were required to grab some. As she made her way over, Beth was stopped by a black-haired pixie of a girl who looked vaguely familiar but she couldn’t place where she knew her from until the girl spoke.

“Go home newbie.” Rosh glared. 

As easy as that Beth remembered. Rosh was in her english class and had made a point to throw verbal jabs her way any time she was close enough to hear.

“I was invited.” Beth ventured.

Rosh scoffed. “A pity invite is not really an invite. Who would even bother to invite you?” Rosh leaned forward to whisper. “‘Cause I’m going to make sure they regret it.”

Beth silently shook her head and stumbled past. Stunned by the open anger directed her way, Beth puzzled over what she had done to deserve it.

As she moved once more toward the food an arm slipped around her shoulders and Beth was surprised to find her nervousness had instantly morphed to flutters. It was him. Mr. Too-Gorgeous-to-Talk-To. She stared up at his bright smile and dark green eyes.

“Beth!” he exclaimed happily. “Joey told me to keep an eye out for you till he got here. Boy am I glad he’s late.” Almost as if it was an afterthought, he broke eye contact with her to look back Rosh’s way. “See ya Rosh.”

With little prompting Beth stayed nestled in his half embrace as they made their way to a large room off the kitchen. It was decidedly less crowded and more quiet. There were only a handful of people who were all talking but did not have to resort to yelling over each other to be heard.

One linebacker of a guy sitting on a huge oversized red bean bag noticed them first. “Now look who Greg dragged into the inner sanctum. It’s the new girl.”

Beth began to wilt under his open curiosity. Greg gave her a quick comforting shoulder squeeze. “Give her a break Trent. She doesn’t even know you. Joey invited her and you should all give her a chance.”

She watched as that simple comment stopped Trent’s teasing and drew the curious attention of everyone else in the room. Joey must have a lot of influence over this group. How had she not known? It was obvious that she had entered the realm of the popular by stepping into that room with Greg.

“Huh. Well with that ringing endorsement you can sit by me.” chimed in a good looking blonde guy who patted the empty space of the sofa with great exaggeration.

Greg kept his arm wrapped around Beth’s shoulders as he steered her toward the empty sofa away from the blonde. Even if she wanted to go sit there she wouldn’t have been able to.  Beth couldn’t help but feel protected. “How about introductions first, then she can pick where she sits.” Greg suggested as they stood in front of the sofa. He started pointing and saying names. She tried to keep track of the names with their faces as he went but she quickly got lost. “Emma, Josh, Trent, Ria, Chrissy, Brandon, and Courtney. Guys, this is Beth. Her name is not new girl.”

For a half second Beth again worried how she would need to find a seat. Truthfully though, she didn’t want to move away from Greg, yet wouldn’t it be awkward to just stand there like a dunce? She was saved from deciding when Greg leaned over and whispered, “Sit by me.” All she could manage was a nod.

As they sat, Ria started chattering about places to eat and the focus moved away from Beth. She relaxed a little.

Beth happily sat and listened to the conversation without feeling any pressure to say anything to contribute. It wasn’t until Greg spoke up that she realized that she was snuggled in securely next to him, his arm still around her shoulders. It’s not like they had sat down in sync and not broken contact. Yet here she was. Her heart giggled.

Every once in awhile she would catch Greg glancing her way and giving her a soft smile. The tenderness and concern shining through his eyes made her heart sing with a tantalizing heat.

After a half hour of contented semi-snuggling Greg turned to face her directly. “We were going to watch a movie when Joey got here. Do you want to stay and watch with us?” He paused for a moment, quirking his head to the side with a meaningful grin. “With me?”

“Yes please.” Beth smiled. For a second she worried that her ‘please’ would be taken as a weird response but she didn’t have to fret for long.His answering grin lit her insides and any doubts she had vaporized. He settled back in beside her and she tentatively laid her head on his shoulder. His arm over her shoulders changed into a snuggling embrace  What a party! She thought to herself. And thank goodness Joey not only invited her, but had also been late!


Typing furiously in my favorite corner of the Gina’s Pastry Shoppe, I was happily absorbed in chronicling my hopeless romantic of a sister’s lifetime struggle in finding true love on my blog. My own tradition of sorts. 

Three weeks ago Angie went on her first date with Tyler O’Connell. Little did I know that their relationship would take off in such epic strides. I can barely keep up. Saturday has become more of a marathon instead of the easy breezy chill time it used to be. Since that first date they have seen each other nearly every day and were still aching to spend more time together. Angie was definitely more twitterpated than I’d ever seen her. 

Whether it was official date nights, lunch dates, hanging out or talking on the phone Angie and Tyler were constantly connected and I was having to type furiously fast to keep up. I must admit though, I’ve been having a twinge or two of jealousy at the love developing between them.

“Excuse me.” A man’s soft voice shattered my concentration. Saying I jumped would be putting it mildly, though I did manage to not yelp. 

My response to his inane words was more of a strangled gurgle as I lurched around to look at who was interrupting me. I yanked my headphones out of my ears and the noise around me flooded my awareness. I almost felt guilty as I came face to face with a young, gorgeous, professor-type guy who looked positively startled by what must have appeared like a crazy reaction to his banal interruption.

“Sorry?” He leaned slightly back. 

Restraining myself from doing anything even more embarrassingly worse, I mentally slapped myself for ruining what could have been a romantic start to a new relationship with this handsome stranger. Not that that was why he was there. At least as far as I knew. 

In the mere milliseconds it took for me to realize how good looking he was, my writer’s brain took over and was already writing out all the sweet romance permutations that could have evolved into lifelong bliss if I had only reacted as a character in a romance novel would. Too late now.

“I…yes?…” With a gulp, I pulled myself together and blushed. “Hi.” Awkwardly I waved my hand before dropping it back to my keyboard as if I could convince it to stop embarrassing me. Oh how I wished I could start this whole thing over and at least appear to be cooler than I’m sure I looked at that moment.

With a chuckle, the confusion on his beautiful face melted into grin. “Hi there.”

I had to wait there in silence wondering if he had said why he had interrupted me or not. It only took a few seconds of me staring up into his light blue eyes before he blinked and stepped back.

“Oh yes.” He shrugged so self-consciously it was adorkable. “I couldn’t help but notice you here again.” 

“Again?” When had I seen him before. Here? I never talked to anyone here. “Do I know you?”

He glanced around before snagging the chair across from me and sitting down. “Well, we haven’t met. I realize that’s how it sounded after I said it.” He leaned back in the chair as he ran his hand through his hair. “I saw you here last Saturday and you were sitting in this exact same spot, typing away. You must have amazing concentration to not get distracted here. I thought about saying hi but I didn’t want to bother you. After I left, I found myself thinking about you throughout the week and wishing that I had at least stopped and said hi, maybe introduced myself.  When I saw you here today I guess I took it as a sign to come over.”

I sat there, flabbergasted. I couldn’t even recall the last time I had been noticed by any guy, much less a cuter than average guy like him.

“Really?” Cue the full on blush. Can I be any more lame? Did I really ask that out loud? “Are you a stalker?”

If he thought I was slow or dim witted he didn’t let it show. He had a rather charming smile. “No! Maybe I should just leave. Sorry to have disturbed you while you were working on…well…whatever it is you are working on.” He stood quickly.

It took several precious seconds for my brain to register the fact that he was leaving and I called out, “Wait!” He stopped and glanced back.

“I don’t think you’re a stalker.” I shrugged with a blush creeping up my cheeks. When he turned back around I motioned to the chair he had just left. 

“I just realized what a dunce I am. I still haven’t even introduced myself.” He stuck out his hand across the table.  “Brandt. It is a pleasure to finally meet you.”

“Oh. I…Hadley.” As I fumbled and flubbed my way through saying my own name I was convinced he would leave thinking I was brain-dead or well on my way to it.

Once again he surprised me. Not once did he look embarrassed or like he was suddenly wishing that he hadn’t sat back down. Instead he kept a hold on the hand I had extended. “Now I know you are busy with whatever you are working on but I figured that I could take this opportunity to ask if maybe you would be willing to go on a date with me sometime?”

Instantly my heart lifted and I felt like squealing YES!  I settled for a nod. “I would love that.”

I could see his relief as he reached into his pocket and pulled out his cell phone, handing it over to me. I put in my phone number and handed it back. He glanced down then back up at me with a happy grin.

“See you soon?” He asked as he stood, looking hopeful.

“Not soon enough.” I found myself daring to say, smiling with the anticipation of a date with Brandt. He stumbled back into a nearby chair as he turned to make his exit, nodding and smiling at me the whole way.